Learn to Speak a Language and Boost Intelligence

Studies consistently show that people who learn a second language obtained higher scores than monolinguals, in mathematics, reading and language tests. They also showed better cognitive skills, sharper memory and longer attention span. While the potential to speak multiple languages is strongest among children, adults can learn to speak a language other than their native tongue and become fluent in it.

Benefits when you learn to speak a language

Sharper mind: Mentally challenging tasks such as learning a new language stimulate growth and development of new brain cells, which help fight dementia, forgetfulness and other symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease.

Learn to speak a foreign language

Image: FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Improve problem solving skills: The process of learning a second language is complex, similar to solving mathematical operations, so that it enhances brain performance while developing decision making, problem solving and critical thinking skills.

Create cultural awareness: Learning a foreign language also promotes an awareness and understanding of other cultures, which is increasingly important for surviving in a global economy and interacting in a society of mixed cultures.

The success of partnerships with businesses in China, for example, depends largely on the ability to communicate with and understand Chinese counterparts, who infuse traditional Chinese customs in their transactions.

Tips for learning a foreign language

Spend the time: The time you spend immersed in a new language contributes to learning it. The more time you spend listening, reading, writing, speaking and studying words and phrases in that language, the faster you will learn.

Listen and read everyday: Many foreign language programs provide audio materials to supplement instruction. Upload the material on your MP3 player and listen to it as often as you can, while driving and doing household chores. You’ll get used to the language through constant listening and reading.

Focus on words and phrases: Build up your vocabulary as you learn how words form phrases and sentences. Start by learning commonly used words and expressions so you can start using them already. Keep a dictionary handy and create your own word list for practice.

Take responsibility for your learning: Continue learning beyond the classroom or coaching session. Take notes and review them immediately when you get home. Find opportunities to practise what you’ve learned. Converse with classmates in the foreign language; exchange a few sentences with those who speak it at parties or social functions.

More than developing a better and stronger brain, learning a foreign language opens more opportunities for employment and business. It’s never too late to learn to speak a language. There are language programs which allow students to learn at their own pace and convenience, perfect for adults with busy schedules.

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